Monday, June 6, 2011

The Purpose

What's up gentlemen,

Kyle and I created this blog with the intention of it serving as a thinktank and discussion board for a select few young and interesting people that are worth talking with.  That's not to imply that everyone else is not worth our time, but...

The point would be that each of us has the permission to log on and post any idea, article, or topic for debate related to economics, finance, or politics, preferably of the controversial variety.  My hope is that many of these posts will spark some intelligent, heated debates via the comments section.  Posts should be relatively intellectual in nature, and while this whole blog is sure to be full of jokes and BS, don't be a douche and make your first post about Representative Weiner's weiner.  I think if we can get this going and everyone participates actively--that is, contributes at least one post a week, and comments at least once on each post--it will end up being an engaging and interesting way to stay in touch with each other and the world.  

If you have any suggestions whatsoever on improving this idea, post them.  If you think this is a dumbass idea that you are not interested in, post that too. If you have any other intelligent, interesting people that you think would be into this kind of thing and would add something to this blog, make it a post with a little about the person, and we'll vote them in (2/3rds passes).  I think that somewhere between 6 and 12 people would be adequate (we currently have 4 or 5, so a few more right away would be good).

This is what our friend Kyle posted as his facebook status around the time I suggested we start this blog:  "It's too bad that everyone who has a solution for everything is at home commenting on the internet".  

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