Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Facebook finally getting it


Came across this article on Yahoo, and thought I'd share some of my personal insight/opinion on the matter.

Honestly, it's about damn time Facebook enacted something of this nature. I was personally sick and tired of being tagged in drunken videos and pictures that I didn't want made public to Friends, friends of friends, and anyone who happened to stumble across my page. Although I took the time to sift through and change my privacy settings, many people are either too oblivious or don't want to spend ten minutes changing the Facebook settings themselves. I didn't find changing the settings all too difficult, but I can't say the same for other users' FB savvy. My reasons for changing my privacy settings related to the growing reality that employers creep through potential hires' pages. While I may disagree with the reasoning behind this, it has become a sad reality. For me and many others, Facebook is a place to interact and socialize with my friends, not to display my prowess in school or the workplace. That's what my LinkedIn account is for. I think Facebook is making a step in the right direction concerning it's user privacy policies. For me, this article has been "liked".

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. It is amazing to me that Mr. Zuckerberg's team took so long to figure this one out. Categorizing your contacts by groups--such as friends, family, and coworkers--also seems to be a really obvious addition; one that linkedin figured out a long time ago for a site in which the feature is less essential. Facebook must feel threatened by Google plus to be making all of these changes...

    Glad someone finally posted on this site. We should try to get it going.
